VIDALIA, GA. — Love Funding has secured a $74.4 million loan through HUD’s 242/223(a)(7) loan insurance program for the refinancing of Meadows Regional Medical Center, a 22-acre hospital in Vidalia. The hospital’s owners, Toombs County Hospital Authority, used the refinancing to cut the interest rate by more than half, saving more than $1.5 million a year in debt-service costs, or more than $30 million over the life of the loan. Originally constructed in 1963, the hospital was expanded in 2011 to include a 194,000-square-foot healthcare facility. Meadows Regional offers 64 private patient suites, 20 emergency treatment rooms and six surgical suites, along with a cardiovascular lab. In the past five years, HUD’s 242 program has insured financing for $2.2 billion of hospital projects across the country.
Love Funding Secures $74.4M HUD Refinancing of Georgia Hospital