Popcorn Factory Signs Industrial Lease Renewals Totaling 149,000 SF in Suburban Chicago

by Kristin Harlow

LAKE FOREST, ILL. — The Popcorn Factory has signed industrial lease renewals totaling 149,000 square feet in the Chicago suburb of Lake Forest. The transactions span two properties — 28160 N. Keith Drive and 13970 W. Laurel Drive — where the tenant’s manufacturing operations have been based for more than 25 years. Corey Chase of Newmark represented Popcorn Factory, which first moved into the 70,000-square-foot facility at Laurel before expanding to the adjacent 78,000-square-foot property at Keith. As part of the expansion, a tunnel connecting the two contiguous properties was built. Today, the facilities require substantial renovations. Seeking to motivate the tenant to stay in place, ownership agreed to implement a seven-figure capital improvement and modernization to meet the requirements. The scope of work includes enhancements to the power system, modernization of dock doors, improvements to the parking lot and a modernized lunchroom.

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