SPICEWOOD, TEXAS — A partnership between two Utah-based firms, Areté Collective and Wasatch Group, has received $106 million in bond financing for Thomas Ranch, a master-planned development in the Central Texas community of Spicewood. The development team will use proceeds from the nonrecourse, tax-exempt bond to fund infrastructural work for the 2,200-acre development. Specific public improvements will include a spine road connecting different neighborhoods, a water treatment plant and a wastewater treatment plant. A portion of the proceeds will also be used to finance the first phase of residential development. At full build-out, Thomas Ranch will comprise 3,500 residential units, including a 600-unit multifamily component, 465,000 square feet of commercial space, a hotel, golf course, 40 miles of walking trails and 1,200 acres of open nature space.
Aretè Collective, Wasatch Receive $106M in Bond Financing for Central Texas Master-Planned Development