
Artificial Intelligence: The Next Frontier in Real Estate, Capital Raising

by Taylor Williams

By Ari Rastegar, founder, CEO, Rastegar Property Co.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just the future — it’s the present.

This technology is reshaping industries across the globe, from virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles and beyond. As AI becomes a dominant force, it’s critical that industries, particularly real estate, embrace this transformative technology to unlock unprecedented value. The real estate industry has been historically slow to adopt cutting-edge technologies, but this delay presents a golden opportunity. Those of us who invest now, who see the future coming and align ourselves with it, stand to revolutionize the industry.

At Rastegar, we’ve long been focused on identifying trends before they emerge. We see AI as one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal, both domestically and internationally. It’s not just about improving efficiencies or enhancing the customer experience — it’s about rethinking the very way capital is raised, assets are selected and operations are managed. This is a new era, and we are stepping into it full throttle.

Ari Rastegar, Rastegar Property Co.

Rastegar has recently appointed its first chief technology officer, a move that underscores our commitment to building custom, in-house AI solutions tailored to our vision of the future. The level of technological investment required is significant, but the rewards are exponential. McKinsey Global Institute forecasts that generative AI alone could inject up to $180 billion of value into the real estate sector. Companies that integrate AI into their processes will gain a competitive edge with stronger operating models, more reliable tenant retention and sharper investment strategies.

AI’s Impact on Real Estate Investment

The real estate market is cyclical, influenced by a myriad of factors including interest rates, supply-demand dynamics and migration trends. In this volatile environment, being able to predict which markets will flourish next is invaluable.

AI takes this concept and turbocharges it. While traditional investment teams rely on building financial models to assess opportunities, AI can process vast data sets — far beyond human capacity — and turn them into actionable insights at an unparalleled pace.

Picture this: a real estate professional, anywhere in the world, could simply ask an AI-powered tool, tailored for real estate investment, where the next emerging market is. The AI would immediately aggregate data from migration patterns, interest rate fluctuations, employment statistics, even climate trends, then analyze it to return a sophisticated, data-driven prediction and recommendation. This capability will not only make capital deployment more efficient, but will also ensure smarter investments both domestically and in international markets.

What this means for the broader real estate community is that investors will no longer need to rely solely on their intuition or data that’s already out of date by the time it’s processed. With AI, decisions can be made in real-time, based on dynamic, global inputs. This will change the game not just in terms of property selection but also with regard to capital raising. Investors from all corners of the world will be able to see — instantly — how their investments are performing, where opportunities lie and where the next growth frontier will be.

Predictive Property Management: Reducing Costs, Enhancing Experiences

AI is already revolutionizing property management. Traditionally, property managers are reactive — they wait for something to break, then fix it. AI shifts the focus to proactive management which transforms how decisions are made, and actions are taken in real time.

Imagine knowing exactly when an HVAC system will need maintenance or when light bulbs will burn out, across thousands of properties. AI systems can track appliance life cycles, predict maintenance needs and ensure that problems are addressed before they disrupt residents’ lives.

This not only reduces operational costs — through bulk ordering and fewer emergency repairs — but it also dramatically improves the tenant experience. Property managers can enhance retention, attract better tenants and increase overall property value. In an international context, this kind of predictive technology will allow for seamless property management across time zones, from New York to Tokyo.

Moreover, AI isn’t constrained by the 9-to-5 workday. It can handle tenant requests 24/7, ensuring maintenance teams are deployed in order of priority. This creates an experience where tenants feel valued and property managers can focus on larger-scale improvements rather than minor, day-to-day tasks.

Human Interaction in AI-Enhanced Real Estate

For all the benefits AI offers, its greatest contribution is the freedom it provides for human interaction. At Rastegar, we’ve built our success on personal relationships: cold calls, face-to-face meetings, deep understandings of the people we work with. AI will give us the time to focus more on these relationships and on what matters most: our investors, communities and the people who live in the properties we develop and operate.

It’s easy to think that AI will make the industry more impersonal, but it could very well do the opposite. AI will handle the administrative and predictive tasks, freeing up time for human connection. At Rastegar, we are committed to using this extra time to strengthen relationships, whether that’s sitting down with investors, collaborating with city planners or ensuring that our projects reflect the highest standards of human-centered design.

As we look ahead, the role of AI in real estate and capital raising is only going to grow. It will streamline investment processes, enhance property management and create smarter, more sustainable developments.

But at the end of the day, real estate is still about people. It’s about creating spaces where they can live, work and thrive. AI will help us get there faster and more efficiently, but it will always be the human touch that defines Rastegar’s legacy.

The future of AI in real estate is not just about technology; it’s about redefining what’s possible for human connection and capital creation, both in our backyard and across the globe. This is the next frontier.

Rastegar Property Co. is a vertically integrated real estate investment and development firm based in Austin.

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