ATLANTA — Atlanta BeltLine Inc. has purchased 13.7 acres along the BeltLine’s Southside Trail in southwest Atlanta for $13.3 million. Situated at 356 University Ave., the property is situated adjacent to the Pittsburgh Yards adaptive reuse development. This acquisition marks the continuation of the BeltLIne’s mission to procure land along the trail loop. AECF Atlanta Realty, a subsidiary of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, manages Pittsburgh Yards and was the seller. SouthState Bank provided acquisition financing for the transaction. The BeltLine will conduct a community engagement process to determine best uses for the site. After incorporating the vision of adjacent residents and local businesses into the plans, the organization will issue a Request for Proposals (RFPs) to invite developers to submit proposals to redevelop the site.

The vacant land at 356 University Ave. is situated next to Pittsburgh Yards, an adaptive reuse development.
Atlanta BeltLine Inc. Completes $13.3M Land Purchase Along Southside Trail in Southwest Atlanta