Berkadia: Affordable housing concerns require local solutions

by Sarah Daniels


David Leopold, Senior Vice President and Head of Affordable Housing at Berkadia, speaks with reporter Nellie Day about the ever-growing need for affordable housing and the challenges of meeting increasing demand. As Leopold discusses the differences between subsidized affordable housing and “organic,” workforce housing that is not driven by subsidies, he looks at the short- and long-term impacts of each approach.

“Like all real estate, affordable housing challenges are very local. And the solutions to affordable housing are also local,” Leopold says. Developers have different tools available to them depending on where they are doing deals.

Watch the video to hear more from Leopold about the challenges of affordable housing and how Berkadia is helping to tackle the issue.


This video is posted as part of REBusinessOnline’s Finance Insight series, covering MBA CREF 2020. Click here to subscribe to the Finance Insight newsletter, a four-week newsletter series, followed by video interviews from MBA CREF.

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