Texas Market Reports

Regional investors have always described San Antonio as a steady market with desirable economic indicators. But with the impending delivery of a Class AA office tower and a growing tech presence, the city is on the brink of emerging as a national contender for commercial real estate investment. Historically, San Antonio has posted strong employment figures that have kept it firing on all cylinders and ready for business. The San Antonio-New Braunfels MSA has experienced seven straight years of job growth. The metro’s unemployment rate has dropped 10 basis points quarter-over-quarter to its current level of 3.7 percent, a figure that strongly outperforms the national average of 4.5 percent. By comparison, the MSA’s 10-year average unemployment rate was 5.5 percent and the nation’s 7 percent. As new investors analyze the San Antonio office market’s history, they should consider the similarities and differences between San Antonio and other major Texas metros. Assessing the last peak-and-valley metrics from 2007 through 2010 provides insight into how the market reacts to a changing economy. Vacancy Rate Stabilizes The vacancy rate for Class A office properties in San Antonio peaked in 2009 at 16.7 percent, while vacancy rates in Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) and Houston …


As we enter the fourth quarter, fundamentals are strong in San Antonio’s industrial market, with direct vacancy tightening and continuing the hot streak it’s been on the past few years. At the third quarter’s end, the metro’s direct vacancy rate stood at 5.4 percent, down from 6.2 percent during the second quarter and 5.8 percent during 2016. In fact, that 5.4 percent direct vacancy rate represents a 12-year low. The figure is a far cry from the 9.3 percent direct vacancy registered during the third quarter of 2006 — the last time the market posted a rate above 9 percent. This d in direct vacancy is particularly noteworthy given that more than 10 million square feet of inventory has been added to the market since that time. The shrinking rate has also coincided with a slight increase in direct average asking rent, which now stands at $5.99 per square foot following a $0.16 quarter-over-quarter increase. Driving the falling vacancy numbers was an economy that fast-tracked over the summer. The San Antonio Business-Cycle Index increased at its fastest pace since 2016, while the area unemployment rate remained the same and job growth surged. Job growth increased at a 3.6 percent annualized …


In the greater Fort Worth commercial real estate market, there was a scarcity of industrial speculative development until 2007-2008. A number of submarkets saw projects go vertical at this time, including Alliance, North Fort Worth and South Fort Worth. The results were mixed.  While there were some successes, a number of developers found themselves at the mercy of unfortunate timing. Deal velocity slowed, leaving well-positioned buildings competing for the same tenants. This resulted in unanticipated, extended vacancy time frames and generous tenant concessions. Fast forward to 2017 — 10 years after the last cycle — and we are in the midst of an even more ambitious round of speculative development. Although many would say we are in the late innings of this real estate upswing, the number of new starts under construction or announced across Fort Worth paints a different picture. Is the continued construction justified, or is this another example of developers falling in love with the market fundamentals and not paying enough attention to market-specific deal velocity? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Fort Worth’s population has grown 60 percent since 2000, making it the 16th-largest city in the country and the fastest-growing among the 20 largest cities …


As a lender in construction and permanent financing of new multifamily properties, Mason Joseph Co. is constantly assessing and reassessing future supply and demand estimates for rental properties. Tarrant County has several high-profile apartment properties under construction, causing some in the lending industry to ask if the market is on the verge of being oversupplied. Our answer to that question is a firm “no.” Since 2010, a year in which Tarrant County boasted a ratio of 1.07 housing units per household, the market has suffered diminished production of all housing types. As of 2017, ESRI estimates that the units-to-household ratio is closer to 1.09. While that difference appears small, it means about 14,000 fewer housing units were built in Tarrant County from 2010 to 2017 than would be expected. A review of housing permits issued for the following two periods supports that data. From 2001 to 2010, the volume of housing units permitted exceeded the number of new households by an average of 821 units per year. From 2011 to 2017, the equation flipped and Tarrant County added 354 more households than housing units annually, implying the county has now been undersupplied by about 1,200 units per year for the …


With occupancies, rental rates and volumes of new construction on the rise, the Fort Worth retail market continues to draw a great number of investors and available debt lenders to the area in search of deals. Stabilized strip centers in high-traffic areas are in high demand, often trading at first-year returns in the high-6 percent to low-7 percent range. The Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex’s thriving economy and growing population has prompted greater retail spending, which, in combination with the shifting retail landscape, is generating strong demand for  space. During the first quarter, area employers added 24,300 positions. Many of these jobs were created at businesses that are situated within master-planned, mixed-use developments that combine office, retail and rental units, which has helped foster greater retail spending. As of the first quarter, average retail spending per household in Fort Worth reached $4,439 per month — 17.3 percent higher than the U.S. average. Looking forward, it seems likely that these trends will continue as the DFW population is projected to expand by 728,000 people over the next five years. This should help sustain healthy demand and positive momentum for retail real estate. Along with the positive economic outlook, the reconfiguration and diversification …


The recent announcement that XTO Energy Inc., a division of energy giant ExxonMobil,  will be moving 1,600 jobs to Houston was not the best news for Fort Worth. The move, which will occur in waves between 2018 and 2020, will reduce downtown’s private workforce by 3 percent over the next few years and lead to several of the company’s CBD properties hitting the market for sale. Broader economic implications notwithstanding, many tenants, landlords and city officials are wondering what impact XTO’s move will have, not only on the office market, but also on the downtown area’s commercial real estate market. However, any worries that the move would drastically upset the downtown market’s equilibrium appear to be misplaced. Most office sectors, especially the CBD’s Class A market and the suburban market that includes the West 7th and West/Southwest Fort Worth areas — should see minimal impact. It is even possible that most of the Class B market in the CBD will remain unaffected, as demand for re-development or from existing office users may consume much of XTO’s spaces. To understand how this move could affect downtown Fort Worth, it helps to look at the bigger picture. The current CBD office inventory …


Healthcare facilities have become a mainstream investment asset class for private and institutional investors over the last decade. Healthcare assets with strong credit tenancy and on-campus locations are now fetching record pricing. Pressure from consumers, federal and state legislation and fiscal responsibility are driving changes in the delivery of healthcare services. Significant consolidation is occurring in the form of acquisitions and affiliations. The most visible and tangible change to the consumer has been the proliferation of urgent care facilities. Other drivers of healthcare facility construction include hospital operators pushing for their brands and facilities to be more convenient to the consumer. Increased focus on preventative care and consumers’ desire for quick and convenient access to services near work or home plays a role as well. These trends are relevant and visible in the 2017 El Paso healthcare market. Population Growth Leads Historically, El Paso ranks among the nation’s fastest-growing metropolitan areas, averaging decade-over-decade growth of 21 percent from 1960 to 2010. The MSA, composed of El Paso County and the more recently added Hudspeth County, is projected to hit nearly 883,000 residents by 2019. In 2014, when El Paso data was combined with data from sister city Ciudad Juárez and …


The border economy of the United States and Mexico is complex and deeply intertwined, to say the least. As such, the sister cities of El Paso and Juarez should be  viewed as one economy. The region ended 2016 on a high note. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, El Paso’s total nonfarm employment rose 1.7 percent during the year, besting the state average of 1.6 percent. The city added more than 5,000 jobs, with strong gains in service-providing sectors offsetting losses in the manufacturing sector. Leisure and hospitality led the way, according to the Fed, adding more than 1,700 jobs. At the same time, employment in Juarez’s manufacturing sector was up 5.4 percent from the previous year for a projected total of 263,000 new jobs. The downtown El Paso office market currently totals about 3.2 million square feet across 65 buildings. It breaks down into about 1.1 million square feet of Class A space, 1.2 million square feet of Class B space and 900,000 square feet of Class C space. For years, vacancy in the city’s Central Business District hovered around 20 percent, with virtually no new construction. But lately, conditions have dramatically improved. According to CoStar Group, …


With an inventory of about 63 million square feet, El Paso’s industrial market has played a pivotal role in the business of commercial real estate for the past 10 years. During that stretch, portfolio trades have come to dominate industrial transactions in this market. For example, Dallas-based Stonelake Capital Partners recently added to its holdings by buying four buildings from 5 Star Real Estate in Vista Del Sol East totaling about 567,000 square feet. Stonelake had entered the market several years prior after buying 11 buildings totaling roughly 1 million square feet in Butterfield Trail Industrial Park from two separate entities, Louis Kennedy and Lincoln Properties. Other defining examples of trades include the activity of IndCore, a Blackstone company that began buying Industrial real estate in El Paso in 2010. The company purchased 1.2 million square feet of assets from Prologis; 1 million square feet of space from Northwestern Mutual Credit and 1.2 million square feet of product from UBS. In addition, Allstate foreclosed approximately 500,000 square feet of the KASCO portfolio in 2011, which was re-sold to Covington Capital in 2015.  CIII Capital Partners absorbed eight buildings totaling 900,000 square feet from Titan Industrial in 2012. Soon after, CIII …


Long-time El Paso residents frequently hear people talking about the good things happening in our city. To be sure, El Paso is an enigma and a contradiction — a big small town with its own identity. Cultural, economic, social and ethnic differences are comfortably accommodated in a “mi casa es tu casa” openness. Contrary to our “wild west” reputation, El Paso ranks as one of America’s safest cities by size. The closest major city to El Paso is Ciudad Juarez, a city of 1.5 million  people just across the Rio Grande River in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The economies of the two cities are inextricably linked and create a major trade area on the southern U.S. border with Mexico. Roughly 30 percent of El Paso’s retail sales come from Mexican shoppers who also access educational institutions, medical services and professional services on the U.S. side. American and multinational manufacturers employ more than 200,000 people in Juarez and rely on El Paso’s transportation and trade infrastructure. The expansion of both trade and interdiction at the border has generated thousands of new federal agency jobs paying wages above the city’s median incomes. Apartment development and ownership in El Paso are dominated …
