STOUGHTON, MASS. — CBRE/New England has arranged the sale of Coppermill Park, a garden-style apartment community located at 3101 Stagecoach Road in Stoughton. Fairfield Residential sold the 154-unit property for an undisclosed sum. Built in 2010, the property consists of three four-story buildings with a mix of 55 one-bedroom apartments, 53 one-bedroom with den units and 46 two-bedroom apartments on 8.6 acres of land. The apartments range in size from 710 to 1,042 square feet. The community was developed under Chapter 40B with 75 percent of the units at market and 25 percent of the units at 80 percent of area median income. Simon Butler and Biria St. John of CBRE/NE represented the seller and procured the undisclosed buyer in the transaction.

Located in Stoughton, Mass., Coppermill Park features 154 apartments in a mix of one-bedroom, one-bedroom with den and two-bedroom units.
CBRE/NE Arranges Sale of 154-Unit Apartment Community in Massachusetts