DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. — Charles Wayne Properties Inc. will donate vacant space at its properties to individuals, businesses and organizations that need the space to help combat the COVID-19 outbreak. The Daytona Beach-based company plans to offer this program at its office, retail, flex industrial and warehouse properties in Altamonte Springs, Daytona Beach, Lake Mary, Orlando, Ormond Beach, Port Orange and Sanford, Fla. Charles Wayne Properties can accommodate manufacturers (including people making masks), testing sites and labs, storage and distribution of medicine and supplies, according to Ted Lightman, principal at Charles Wayne Properties. Lightman added the initiative is new and the company is “still learning about who is out there helping and what they might need.” Groups qualifying for space under this program will be provided short-term leases during which they only pay their share of utilities, insurance, taxes and costs of maintaining the space.

Daytona Beach-based Charles Wayne Properties plans to donate vacant space at its properties, including Sanlando Commerce Center in Altamonte Springs, Fla. (pictured).
Charles Wayne Properties to Donate Commercial Space to Combat COVID-19