PHILADELPHIA — Colliers International has completed two sales in Phiadelphia. In the first deal, Bethanna disposed of its 22,000-square-foot building at 1216-1232 Wood St. in a sale-leaseback arrangement. The Christian family services organization will lease a portion of the first floor. The buyer, 1216-1232 Wood Street LP, plans to operate its own offices out of the building as well. Colliers’ Michael Barmash represented the seller, and Andy McGhee, also of Colliers, represented the buyer. The property traded for $1.6 million. In the second deal, Stein & Silverman Family Partnership acquired a 2-acre land parcel located in the Food Distribution Center off Pattison Avenue. Barmash represented the seller, Wing Lee Realty LLC. The property traded for $600,000.
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