JERSEY CITY, BRICK AND NEPTUNE, N.J., AND COBLESKILL, N.Y. — Cronheim Mortgage has secured $26.9 million in financing for four individual properties located in Jersey City, Brick, Neptune and Cobleskill. Each loan was structured on a 10/30 basis for affiliated entities of New York-based National Realty & Development Corp. The properties include Old Colony Square, a 100,073-square-foot retail center in Jersey City owned by Grand Street Realty; LHOP Holding LP’s 13-building Lions Head Office Park in Brick; two retail pads in Neptune owned by Red Baron Property Resources LP; and C.P. Plaza LP’s 24,500-square-foot retail center in Cobleskill. Andrew Stewart, Dev Morris and Allison Moravec of Cronheim Mortgage arranged the financing.