VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. — Bcause LLC, a privately held company that is building the world’s first full-stack cryptocurrency ecosystem, will expand its operations and move its corporate headquarters to 5465 Greenwich Road in Virginia Beach. The company will invest $64.8 million and will occupy 84,000 square feet of the former Hoffman Beverage building. Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of additional units and verify the transfer of assets. This type of currency, including bitcoin, is available only in digital form. The U.S. Treasury classified bitcoin as a legal, convertible, decentralized virtual currency in 2013. Bcause plans to create 100 new full-time jobs with the expansion. The new building has an additional 21,000 square feet of space available for future expansion.
Digital Currency Company to Invest $64.8M, Establish 84,000 SF Headquarters in Virginia Beach