JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Fields Construction Co. has begun work for the second phase of 207 Van Vorst Street in Jersey City. The second phase is the second of two 15-story buildings and will feature 153 luxury apartments and 7,305 square feet of retail space. The first phase, which is also under construction, features 255 residences and 7,237 square feet of retail space. Developed by Fields Development Group and designed by Marchetto Higgins Stieve, the project is situated adjacent to St. Peter’s Prep high school and within walking distance of New Jersey Transit’s PATH and light rail lines. Construction of the first phase is scheduled for completion in fall 2017 and the second phase is slated for completion in winter 2018. McLaren Engineering Group is providing structural engineering design and construction support for the project.

Slated for completion in winter 2018, the second phase of 207 Van Vorst Street in Jersey City, N.J., will feature 153 apartments and 7,305 square feet of retail space.
Fields Construction Co. Starts Construction for 153-Unit Apartment Building in Jersey City, New Jersey