NEW YORK CITY — Greystone has provided a $78.4 million HUD-insured permanent loan to refinance Boro Park Center for Nursing & Rehabilitation in Brooklyn. Fred Levine of Greystone originated the financing for the borrower, Centers Health Care. The borrowers have invested more than $20 million in renovations to the property, which it acquired more than five years ago. Boro Park Center features a variety of clinical services, including amputee recovery and training; cardiac therapy; comfort care and palliative care; dental services; isolation rooms; occupational therapy; oxygen management; peripherally inserted central catheter management; physical therapy; pleurx management; post-surgical orthopedic care; respiratory management; speech therapy; stroke rehabilitation; and tracheostomy care.

Located in Brooklyn, Boro Park Center for Nursing & Rehabilitation has undergone $20 million in renovations.
Greystone Provides $78.4M HUD Loan for 510-Bed Skilled Nursing Facility in New York City