COLUMBUS, OHIO — Interstate Batteries has formed a joint venture partnership with Neyer Properties to build a new fulfillment center in Columbus. The project will be the first building in The Hub @70/270 development, which can accommodate up to 400,000 square feet of industrial and distribution space. Situated at the front of the site, the Interstate Batteries regional fulfillment center will have direct frontage along I-70 and I-270. The 151,000-square-foot facility will mark one of eight regional fulfilment centers nationwide for Interstate Batteries. Construction is scheduled to begin this month and to be completed this fall. The new property will service battery distributors in Ohio and surrounding states. The project team includes Byers, Minton & Associates, Red Architecture, Kimley-Horn and Brocon Construction.

Interstate Batteries will utilize the 151,000-square-foot facility for distribution throughout Ohio and surrounding states.
Interstate Batteries Partners with Neyer Properties to Build New Fulfillment Center in Columbus