ALBANY, N.Y. — KeyBank Community Development Lending and Investment (CDLI) has provided $38.5 million in financing for the construction of an affordable housing community in Albany. The 76-unit development, which will be called Ida Yarbrough Homes, will set aside 12 apartments for households at risk of homelessness. The borrower is Ida Yarbrough Phase II LLC, an entity owned by the Albany Housing Authority. Keybank provided $18.1 million in equity through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program. In addition, Keybank also provided a $17.2 million construction loan and a $3.2 million Freddie Mac first mortgage loan. John Berry, Jen Seamons, Victoria O’Brien and Joe Eicheldinger of Keybank’s CDLI group, and Jeff Rodman of the Commercial Mortgage Group arranged the financing.
Keybank Provides $38.5M in Financing for Affordable Housing Community in Albany