BROOKFIELD, WIS. — Land assembly at The Corners of Brookfield mixed-use development in Brookfield is now complete. Brookfield Corners LLC, a joint venture between IM Properties, Bradford Real Estate and The Marcus Corporation, is developing the $200 million project. The development, which is bordered by West Bluemound Road, North Barker Road and I-94 in Brookfield, will serve as a destination for luxury shopping, dining and entertainment. Plans call for 400,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space anchored by Wisconsin’s first ever Von Maur Department Store, as well as 235 luxury apartments that will be managed by Milwaukee-based Mandel Group. With the entire 19-acre site now under ownership of Brookfield Corners LLC, the project will move toward a groundbreaking, which is set for mid-April. Demolition of the former Menards buildings and the former Marcus Theater is complete, with demolition of the adjoining strip mall also near completion.

The Corners of Brookfield will serve as a destination for luxury shopping, dining and entertainment. Plans call for 400,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space as well as 235 luxury apartments.
Land Assembly Work Complete for Mixed-Use Development in Brookfield, Wis.