HOUSTON — Lionstone Investments and Midway plan to rebrand the buildings located at 712 and 708 Main St. in downtown Houston as “The Jones on Main.” The property, once known as the Gulf Oil Building, is the current Houston banking headquarters for JPMorgan Chase & Co. The name pays tribute to Houston businessman and philanthropist Jesse Jones, who commissioned the building in 1927. The Art Deco tower dominated was the city’s tallest building until 1963. Proposed renovations to the site include ground-level connection of the two buildings, the addition of high-end interior amenities, as well as new street-level restaurant and retail spaces along Main and Rusk streets. New storefronts, the addition of sidewalk patios and a nearby bike valet are designed to enliven and activate the streetscape. Historic interior details, including original frescoes illustrating the history of Texas and Houston in the Main Street lobby, will be integrated into a new public space featuring communal tables and lounge seating called the Currency Lounge. Lionstone Investments purchased the property in 2013. The property is located at intersecting MetroRail lines and the downtown tunnel system, making it easily accessible. JPMorgan Chase remains the building’s main tenant, occupying nearly 452,000 square feet of office space as well as a 29,000-square-foot banking center on the ground floor. Lionstone Investments and Midway have partnered with Colvill Office Properties to lease single-tenant floors from 3,990 to 11,450 square feet.

The property, once known as the Gulf Oil Building, is the current Houston banking headquarters for JPMorgan Chase & Co.