LONG ISLAND, N.Y. — M. Robert Goldman & Company Inc. (MRG) has arranged $272.2 million in financing in two transactions for Long Island-based GTJ REIT Inc. The first transaction for $233.1 million covered 28 properties throughout New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The financing was provided through MRG’s correspondent relationship with AIG Asset Management on behalf of many of its insurance company subsidiaries. Proceeds from the 10-year, interest-only loan were used to retire existing debt. Additionally, MRG secured a $39.1 million acquisition loan for GTJ’s purchase of the six-property, 734,000-square-foot Sudler industrial portfolio in Piscataway, N.J. The financing was secured with Allstate Life Insurance Co. Jonathan Goldman and John Robustello of M. Robert Goldman & Company handled the debt placements.