LAWRENCE, MASS. — MassHousing has provided $25.9 million in financing for an affordable housing redevelopment project in Lawrence, a northern suburb of Boston. The project will convert a 177-year-old structure that originally housed a stone mill into a complex with one-, two- and three-bedroom units. Of the 86 units, 11 will be rented to households earning 30 percent or less of the area median income (AMI); 58 will be reserved for renters earning up to 60 percent of AMI; and the other 17 will be rented at market rates. WinnCos. is the developer of the project. The financing package comprised a $4.6 million tax-exempt permanent loan, a $20.4 million bridge loan and $900,000 from the Capital Magnet Fund, an initiative designed to attract private capital to affordable housing projects in economically distressed areas.

Pictured is a rendering of the former stone mill in Lawrence, Massachusetts, that will be converted into an 86-unit affordable housing complex.
MassHousing Provides $25.9M in Financing for Affordable Housing Redevelopment in Lawrence, Massachusetts