CHICAGO — Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (NGKF) has arranged the sale of a triple-net, ground-leased property located at 137 S. State Street in Chicago for $7.1 million. NGKF’s Geoffrey Kasselman, Andy Gallas, Gino Tabbi and Boris Shraybman led the brokerage team on behalf of the seller, a local family trust. The property was sold to a California-based private investor at a capitalization rate of 3.1 percent. A 50,530-square-foot cooling plant operated by Enwave Energy Corp., a division of Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP, occupies the property. The ground floor of the property is leased to CVS/pharmacy; with floors two through four reserved for the plant’s chillers, pumps and ice machines. The plant provides chilled-water cooling services to more than 100 commercial buildings throughout the Loop via an underground network of pipes. The ground lease extends through December 2043 and Enwave has a one-time, 49-year lease option.
NGKF Arranges Sale of Chicago Loop Property for $7.1M