ARLINGTON, TEXAS — NorthStar Energy Services Inc. will relocate and expand to Copeland Tower in Arlington’s Entertainment District, signing a full-floor lease for Class A office space with views of the Dallas Cowboys’ stadium. Houston-based NorthStar is the largest of three new tenants to sign direct deals for office space at 1250 E. Copeland Road. The company will relocate from nearby Grand Prairie. The other new tenants are Lake of Dallas Inc., a structural engineering firm that has leased 1,458 square feet, and Los Angeles-based Apartment Service Management Co., which has leased 1,534 square feet. Both will occupy space in Copeland Tower beginning July 1. Richmond Collinsworth, Erik Blais and Clint Manning of Bradford Commercial represented the Houston-based landlord, Aque Investment Group, in the transactions. The 126,602-square-foot office tower is now 90 percent leased.

Houston-based NorthStar is the largest of three new tenants to sign direct deals for office space at 1250 E. Copeland Road.
NorthStar Energy to Relocate, Expand in Metro Dallas