WILMINGTON, DEL. — Odyssey Charter School, a Delaware public charter school, has acquired 36 acres of land located in Barley Mill Plaza in Wilmington. The acquisition and redevelopment of the new school campus was financed through the issuance of $34.7 million in bonds by The Delaware Economic Development Authority. Odyssey Charter School currently serves 933 students in grades kindergarten through seventh. The school plans to add grades eighth through 12th in successive years until to become a full K-12 school in the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year. Scott Matthews and Geoff Grosso of Tarabicos Group LLP served as legal counsel to Odyssey Charter School, while Emilie Ninan of Ballard Spahr LLP served as bond counsel in the transaction.

Odyssey Charter School plans to expand and redevelop its school campus on 36 acres in Wilmington, Del.