AUBURN, MASS. — Pennrose has received financing for the redevelopment of the Mary D. Stone school building in Auburn, a suburb of Worcester. The project will involve the repurposing of the three-story, 1920s-era property into a 55-unit affordable seniors housing community. Plans call for the renovation of the historic school, demolition of some later-built wings and construction of new units in studio, one- and two-bedroom formats. The property sits on 1.3 acres, and construction is set to begin before the end of the month. Eighty percent of the units will be reserved for seniors earning up to 60 percent of area median income. The remaining units will have market-rate rents. As part of the development plan, Pennrose has contributed $25,000 to the Town of Auburn for new equipment for the public playground on the property.

Pennrose expects to begin converting the Mary Stone school in Auburn, Massachusetts, into a seniors housing community by the end of the month.
Pennrose to Repurpose Historic Mary Stone School in Massachusetts as Affordable Seniors Housing