Ready Capital: Making the Most of the Market Despite Election-Year Volatility

by Sarah Daniels


The marketplace is wary in the lead-up to the 2020 election, but Anuj Gupta, president of Commercial Real Estate Lending with Ready Capital, says there’s opportunity for bridge lenders in the meantime as equity investors look for higher returns. Gupta believes rates will be lower for a longer period, although there is no telling what might happen after the election.

Gupta feels confident about Ready Capital’s preferred strategy of focusing on small-to-medium loan sizes in secondary markets. In gateway cities, the company is supportive of creative solutions to high rent, like co-living, a sector that is expected to grow aggressively over the next few years. Meanwhile, Ready Capital is working to stay ahead of the curve by looking at more efficient ways to tackle lending in the small-to-medium sized real estate market with new technology.

Watch the interview to learn more about how Ready Capital is taking advantage of the present while preparing for the future.


This video is posted as part of REBusinessOnline’s Finance Insight series, covering MBA CREF 2020. Click here to subscribe to the Finance Insight newsletter, a four-week newsletter series, followed by video interviews from MBA CREF.

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