FORT WORTH, TEXAS — Sperry Van Ness / Visions Commercial have arranged three new office lease transactions at Fossil Creek Station office complex in Fort Worth. CelSana LLC leased 1,091 square feet for a three-year term beginning May 1; Scott Boyd, CPA leased 1,091 square feet for a three-year term that began April 1; and Blue Star Consulting leased 1,091 square feet for a three-year term that began March 1. Located at 6642 N. Riverside Drive, Fossil Creek Station is a four-building office complex situated just north of I-820 and east of I-35 off Western Center Blvd. The property was built in 2006. Clint Montgomery with Sperry Van Ness / Visions Commercial represented the property owner, Value Builders Inc., in all three transactions.