ATLANTA — The State of Georgia has signed a contract with Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE) to build a 200-bed, alternate care facility at Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) in downtown Atlanta for coronavirus (COVID-19) patients, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp announced Sunday. Starting immediately, the Georgia National Guard, Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, Department of Community Health, Department of Public Health and contractors will begin to prepare GWCC to house and treat patients with mild to moderate illness levels excluding ventilator support. Nearby Grady Memorial Hospital will lend additional support to the center. As of Monday, April 13, there have been 10,726 confirmed cases in Georgia and 1,422 in Fulton County, according to Johns Hopkins University (JHU). projects the peak date for COVID-19 cases in the state will be Sunday, April 26.
State of Georgia to Set Up Alternate Care Facility at Georgia World Congress Center for Coronavirus Patients