INDIANAPOLIS — TWG has opened Line Lofts Apartments, an $11 million affordable seniors housing project on the east side of Indianapolis. Located at 1145 E. Washington St., the property features 63 two-bedroom units. One-fifth of the units are designed and reserved for seniors with visual impairments, as part of a partnership between TWG and local nonprofit Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS).
The property includes specific features to aid visually impaired residents, including oversized elevator buttons, tactile markings, dedicated ride sharing pickup spots and a park area for service animals. Line Lofts will also serve as the new home for the VIPS Simon and Estelle Knoble Family Resource Center, a 6,000-square-foot center that will offer services for blind or visually impaired children such as early intervention, orientation and mobility, preschool transition assistance, advocacy training and parent events. Low-income housing tax credits from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority helped fund the project.