EULESS, TEXAS — Venture Commercial Real Estate has completed an assemblage of 43 acres of land located at the northeast quadrant of Cheek-Sparger Road and Heritage Avenue west of State Highway 121 in Euless. The buyer, Tonti Properties, is expected to break ground in spring 2016 on Trinity Union, a 457-unit multifamily community. The project has a mixture of product types including a four-story wrap-style building with structured parking and separate townhome-style buildings with direct-access garages and private yards. Trinity Union will feature an urban design, and 19 acres of the site will be devoted to retail use. John Zikos, Ken Reimer, Christopher Gibbons and Cheryl Hill of Venture worked with Tonti to acquire three separate land tracts. In the most complex of the transactions, Venture represented the seller, a family that had owned a 25-acre tract for 54 years, while Wilson Stafford of Edge Realty Capital Markets represented Tonti Properties. In the other transactions, Venture and Edge co-represented Tonti Properties.

The buyer, Tonti Properties, is expected to break ground in spring 2016 on Trinity Union, a 457-unit multifamily community.
Venture Completes 43-Acre Land Assemblage for Mixed-Use Development in Metro Dallas