WICHITA, KAN. — Vigilias Telehealth LLC has leased 400 square feet of space at 125 N. Market, a 19-story office building in Wichita. The company, a telemedicine and technology platform provider, will occupy space on the 14th floor, which will serve as its headquarters. The building has undergone roughly $4 million of improvements and upgrades since 2013. Amenities at 125 N. Market include free valet parking, a video conference center and concierge services. The facility can accommodate users with needs anywhere from 600 square feet to 26,000 square feet. Security National Life Insurance Co. owns 125 N. Market, and other tenants in the building include Cornerstone Design Development, Viaan Electronics and BalanceComp. Istvan Tamas of Weigand-Omega arranged the lease.

Amenities at 125 N. Market include free valet parking, a video conference center and concierge services.